VRT Export Repayment Calculator by Text

VRT Export Repayment Calculator by Text

Text Export, followed by a space, then the registration number to 57252 and you will receive a reply with a VRT refund estimate, e.g. Export 12c12299 to 57252.

Example VRT Export Repayment Response:
VRT export repayment calculator

Texts sent are charged at normal network rates and the cost of reply from us is €2.00. This is not a subscription service.
The calculator will search for an exact match make, model and version in the Revenue Commissioners database, in the event it cannot find an exact match it will do a best effort match and return a similar make, model and version from the database.
Customer Service: 0766801002

VRT Export Repayment Calculator by Text was last modified: March 2nd, 2019 by vrtmanager